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Southern Ground-Hornbill
The APNR Southern Ground-Hornbill Project is dedicated to the research and conservation of Southern Ground-Hornbills in the Greater Kruger region of South Africa.
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The Project
The APNR Southern Ground-Hornbill Project is dedicated to the research and conservation of Southern Ground-Hornbills in the Greater Kruger region of South Africa. For the past 24 years, researchers from the FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology have been at the forefront of critical research that informs conservation efforts by understanding habitat use, reproductive success, and behaviour of these iconic birds.

A key focus of the project is the installation and monitoring of artificial nests, which provide suitable nesting options in an area where natural nesting sites are increasingly scarce. By facilitating successful breeding attempts, we gather valuable data that allows for comprehensive studies of the birds in their natural environment.
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Facts & Figures
Study Area in km2
Years of Research
Total Nest Boxes
Chicks Fledged

Our Study Site

Associated Private Nature Reserves (APNR), South Africa
The APNR has been the sole location for the project’s long history of research and conservation, providing support wherever needed. It consists of a collection of five privately owned reserves on the western boundary of the Kruger National Park in north-eastern South Africa. These reserves are namely Klaserie (600 square kilometres), Timbavati (540 square kilometres), Umbabat (310 square kilometres), Balule (350 square kilometres) and Thornybush (140 square kilometres).
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The wonderful photography you see on this page has kindly been contributed by the following photographers: Kevin Maclaughlin, Chad Cocking, Kobus Strauss, Royal Malewane, Lourenço da Silva, Jannie Nikola